"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde



HELLO all!

Happy to say: one of my roommates went to the tattoo parlor across the street and asked them for the password to their Internet and--voila!

The house I'm living in is small, but cute and quaint.
We're about 3 minutes from the theater, by car. (The guys' house is walking distance away.)

Our quarters consist of a living room/bedroom, another bedroom, a small bathroom, and a kitchen area. The boys don't have a refrigerator, and they don't have a stove or an oven--so they enjoy coming over to our house every night to have dinner.

Dinners at our house are great: it's like I'm a part of a big happy, loud, obnoxious, talkative, AWESOME family. I'm really surprised at how well we all bonded.. and how quickly it happened!

The local "Walmart/Target" here is called Meijers (pronounced m ai r s, for those of you who are phonetically savvy). Here's a shot of everything my mom & I bought on our first trip in: (I soon headed back later that afternoon with my roommates in search of more food, a microwave, towels, and coat hangers.)

I'll post again with more pictures. Stay tuned! <3

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