"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde


Wrong Turn at Lungfish named Best Play of 2011

2. ‘Wrong Turn at Lungfish’

Canterbury Summer Theatre

Canterbury’s talented ensemble could have kicked off its season with a flashy musical. Instead, it sank its teeth into this caustic, often dark tale of a former college dean who’s gone blind from a disease that will end his life shortly, and the working-class woman who volunteers to read to him in his hospital bed. Joe Ginnane and Danielle Gendron gave two of the year’s best performances as the former dean and his new friend, respectively, while Asha Stichter and Shane Miller provided ferocious support in key roles.

See the full article here: http://thenewsdispatch.com/articles/2011/12/31/features/on_the_go/doc4efe3d7deff99868150644.txt

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