"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde


So many bruises..

Don't worry: it's not from the abuse. Not unless you count lifting blocks, moving chairs, & stage falls as abuse. I need to work on not being so clumsy.


Mom and Dad and Brittany sent me flowers on opening day of Lungfish!!! Aren't they beautiful?!?? I was surprised with the box they came in just as I got to my dressing room yesterday afternoon:

They remembered how much I love roses.

Mom & Dad flew out to see the show today! We had lunch, and dinner together. (I HAD to take them to Roma's so they could try the amazing pizza.)

Jess & Kaylee came too.


Tomorrow my schedule starts gettin' crazy. (Well.. it did today.. actually.) Rehearsals for show #2 during the day, and performances of show #1 at night. I hope I don't mix my 80s dancer with my New York "hooker by choice". (Don't ask.)

And--I have LEFTOVERS in my fridge!!! Yayyy for food that I don't have to buyyy!!


  1. is your dad singing his "asparagus" song....lol

    I love your blog :)
    love Mel

  2. He was telling a story about somethinggg. ;)
    Thanks Mel! <3
