"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde


Thoughts from David

David, our director, spoke with me on our break the other day about how I was chosen to work for Canterbury this summer.

I made a comment on how I'd auditioned for them back in January, but didn't hear from Ray til mid May or so. To which David replied: "Oh yeah. I think your headshot got lost in the shuffle. 'Cause I didn't see your name come up, but then you e-mailed me and I remembered you and reminded Ray Scott."

Ray went to Midwest Auditions, and had reps. go to ITA in Chicago for him. Thousands of people auditioned for this job, and I got it. I still can't believe it. It's true what they say though: it's all about who you know in this business.


Rehearsals are so interesting: Romance Romance only has 6 people in it, so warm ups feel so.. .. .. intimate. We do warmups by the piano and I feel as though we're still missing someone. I love the actors I'm working with though, and I like being a part of a small group. It's awesome. :)


The Guild show is coming up this Sunday night: (a variety show for the patrons and members of Canterbury who help fund the shows). I was worried at first, that I wouldn't have anything to sing (since I didn't bring my rep book with me out here... I'm in the process of cleaning it out and restocking it) but then I saw that Jess (our accompanist) had a Light in the Piazza book.

You can guess what happened next.. ;)

So I'll be singing The Beauty Is this Sunday. I couldn't be more happy with how things turned out. It's only one of my all-time-FAVORITE-songs.

Well, better go. I'm making lasagna tonight for 12!

Be well, my friends. <3

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