"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde



First weekend of Beguiled's been going relatively well. We're all having issues keeping our voices healthy, since we're singing all day and night, but things are mostly good.

Last night was the best audience we've had for Beguiled so far. Shane & Asha had friends who came to see it (thank goodness) and I had one of the older men tell me I was ready for SNL. ...Probably because I almost took out the set during one of our transition numbers. (Columns almost fell over, but it's alright. They didn't. No one died.)

Went to the outlet shops this morning and bought a really cute bathing suit at Pac Sun! We'll all be going to the beach on our day off tomorrow--can't wait to wear it.

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